Added: September 19, 2018 |
Category: Shaved
Well Guys, It is me Tarra White and yes I’m ready for spring but the weather is still chilly and wet out so my woman buddy Mona lee and I determined it’d be better to play indoors. We met down at the sex shop to find a couple of new toys after which nicely I’m sure you could only imagined just how things turned out and we went back to my place. We moved directly to my area I was pushed by Mona lee onto the bed and then she sat back and joined me personally, her bra strap and snapped I sat up and then she snapped mine getting me back excellent. I shot the dildos since it was. Since it matched her top, I gave her yellow one that was huge and the large was retained by me for myself. I laid Mona pulled her panties off, lee down and tossed them into the side and then she sat back and I caught up on my knees and took off her shirt. I stumbled back down next to her, both with dildos within our hands, laughing like the two young teenager that we are and speaking. I began rubbing against blue on her body then I pulled off her bra back and kissed her shoulder and tits. I removed her bra and began licking and sucking on her nipples and then she laid back, allowing me to do what I wanted. Her nipples are too big and she has got a fantastic set of tits and around, I could tell she was becoming excited from my licking and sucking on them and that I was getting excited too. She moved around so we’d have more space and I sat up on my knees after which I started rubbing against her soft puss and playing with her breasts. I rubbed her pussy up and down and slid my hands then I started dividing her lips with my tongue licking her young horny snatch and teasing her clit and pulled off her panties. I grabbed the yellow dildo and gave it a suck and then before gradually slipping it into I rubbed it up and down on her pussy. I slid the dildo in and out of her twat and yanking her up and down, rubbing her clit and teasing her making her hot and wet. Mona lee caught with four to doggy and I crawled behind her and started spreading her ass, rubbing the dildo on her pussy from below then slipping back the dildo inside her hole. I fucked her pussy with long strokes, then sliding the dildo on her deeper every time and then I began licking her ass all over and she rubbed her clit around and round. I slid the dildo from her pussy and then she sat up and then we began kissing, she started licking my body out of my stomach up into my boobs, she pulled my top down and started licking and sucking on my nipples, first one and then another. I have got perky nipples and they stood up as flicked her warm and wet tongue across them over and over, she moved behind me and took my bra off and moved straight back licking them. I laid back on the bed and me leaned on in doggy and she started sucking nipples and my tits teasing me like crazy and licking. She slipped her hands inside my panties and began rubbing my pussy up and down as she stopped sucking and licking on my nipples, leaving them stiff as she can. She slipped off my panties and rubbed my pussy bare after which she moved down on me, licking at my pussy from the bottom up and teasing my quick clit. She slipped the blue dildo inside my horny snatch and began fucking my pussy and rubbing her clit at the exact same time, she said that she’s just been with a girl one other time but I could tell that she’s had more practice than that. She slid the dildo and I flipped myself upside down and then Mona got behind me slid back the dildo inside my hole. The dildo slipped in and out of my pussy as she rubbed my clit hard and fast before I had the type of orgasm which sent a wave of warmth. I laid back and Mona licked and sucked on my nips and then we shared a nice long kissing, then licking each others warm moist tongues until the very end. |