Added: August 13, 2018 |
Category: Finger play
Veronika has a tiny bit of a complex about her labia so shes never allow her boyfriends go down on her, even if theyve desired to eat out her enthusiastically! Her insecurities have direct her to believe that just a small labia is desired, and its made her quite neurotic about her lady parts! If her friend Susan finds out about this she gently coaxes Veronika to allow her take a look at her vulva, she understands how ridiculous it is to think her pussy is anything but gorgeous! After some immunity she lets Susan peel her panties off, open her legs and watch her nude labia. Susan smiles, leans forward, pulls Veronika near and whispers in her ear”Its amazing.” The two women giggle and then share a long silent moment of familiarity, unspoken words are exchanged, so a look is Susan should head back between her friends legs and breath within her warm sex, before placing her mouth on Veronikas lips and gently sucking them into her mouth, giving her friend her very first oral climax , and her very first lesbian encounter! |