Added: August 8, 2018 |
Category: Bondage
Ohmigosh, I’ve gotten myself into a real fix this moment, Mira Sunset thought. After she agreed to try just a tiny kink with the guy she met at the swanky party, little did she know what she was responsible for! Come into my distinctive training chamber, he stated when they got back to his incredible apartment. He placed to a dark mask but nevertheless remained in precisely the same suit he wore in the party. You will adore this, ” he explained, after Mira was naked. Chaining her to the platform, he wheeled in a strange Fucking Machine and advised Mira she’d have to bone up on her oral abilities before he permitted her to blow his magnificent dick, fellatio which would not be any time soon because he was selective in the women he allowed to flavor his tool. Soon she was getting the relentless thrusts of their black dildo while he controlled the moves using a handset. Saliva drooling from her lips, Mira hoped she had been demonstrating head skills that could one day . . .but next he wanted to get her pussy ready. Putting on a ball gag so she wouldn’t speak back to him, he sat on the couch after arranging the Fucking Machine to do Mira’s pussy in the doggie style position. Mira felt so nude being banged by. . .by this mysterious apparatus! Her newest master stood over her with the controllers, emotionless beneath his mask, telling her she would be suitably broken in early or she’d never get the joy of his true dick and balls. Turning her over, he had the robotic raunch device fuck Mira at the missionary position, then for a last evaluation, in her asshole too. Her hands and feet yells in her bonds, however, it was just because it turned her to pretend to fight. She enjoyed this kinky match. . .liked being treated this way. . .oh yes!! |