Added: February 19, 2020   |    Post Views: 194

Category: General porn

Pretty redhead realtor Sarah Brooke is beginning to close up an open house all afternoon, she do. I I want to and knock on the door. I insist on seeing this particular property , although the broker asks me to come back . I tell her I’m distressed to discover a new residence and new in the region. Reluctantly Sarah begins to reveal the place. I question her regarding the owners and determine they have already moved out of condition. I ask the beautiful woman about storage area and say I’ve alot of things. Sarah explains that there’s a storage device outside back and agrees to show me it. I pull a rag out and pounce on the idiotic broker. I torment her – breath in bitch!! Poor Sarah flails her arms and thighs attempting to fight off , but her entire body goes limp – and she’s out cold. Perfect! I peel Sarah&extreme;s skirt and then unbutton her satin blouse stripping that off of her body. Next I roll off her pantyhose and weak Sarah is left with only a tiny pair of panties on. I roll over her and rope up her elbows cinching it tight and nice. Sarah begins to wake slurring her words”what is happening?” As I bind her knees 8, I laugh. Poor Sarah´s eyes widen in panic once I pull up her and shove a rag into her mouth putting it in with coating of bandage. Bad thing can&severe;t shout or cry for help today! I finish tying up her and secure her wrists. Sarah is so sweating in the shed that is sexy. She watches in terror as I strip his clothes off and start putting on her clothes. I inform her I´Id escaped prison and had a new identity. As I shut the door leaving her lonely bound and gagged in the heat and 35, I & intense; ll be taking yours Miss Sarah Brooke, Sarah struggles inside her bondage.

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